TMS and CFM for everyone

TMS and CFM for everyone

There is a (somewhat right) belief that you need to pay a lot for professional and well-functioning software used to control processes in the company. Every person operating in the transport industry and in the industry in which vehicles are the main work tool knows that proper data processing in the shortest possible time allows for a radical change in the management of many important processes. Just-in-time deliveries are the basis of today's digital revolution that is happening before our eyes, which is why faster and more accurate planning is so important and important.

Meeting the expectations

To meet the expectations of customers, TransMobil has introduced a solution that allows the management panel to be divided into appropriate modules, and actually personalized in terms of appearance and functionality to the requirements selected by you and your company. Such a division makes the price offer competitive, because in practice the user receives "tailor-made" software and does not overpay for tools that he will never use.

TMS and CFM for everyone

TMS (Transport Management System)

The TMS itself (Transport Management System) is a complete software to support logistic activities that allows you to significantly simplify various stages of the supply chain. The use of TransMobil GPS recorders in vehicles, on semi-trailers, containers as well as possible battery devices, e.g. on pallets with goods, is not without significance. Thanks to this solution, each stage of cargo transport is supervised in one tool that does not use multiple data sources, which is a significant advantage when it comes to interruptions, e.g. an external operator of GPS devices. It should also be emphasized getting rid of such annoying problems related to relying on manual preparation of e.g. spreadsheets summarizing the next stage or frequent contacts with drivers by means of text messages and e-mails, which in this case are replaced by dedicated communication directly from the platform. Such communication includes both simple text messages and an extensive dedicated tool (MDA-Mobile Drive Assist application), e.g. for a tablet installed in the driver's cabin.

Excellent visibility of the supply chain processes, savings in freight costs and operational efficiency are just some of the benefits of using TMS software on the TransMobil platform.

TMS and CFM for everyone

TransMobil offers CFM

CFM, offered by TransMobil as its proprietary modular solution, is intended for fleet administrators. The main task of the mentioned module is to support the fleet management and the maximum automation of processes related to the fleet service. Adding elements such as planning of cyclical operations, keeping records, incl. fuel costs, integration, import and export, multidimensional analysis of collected data and their graphic visualization makes the tool designed for work easy to use, and at the same time has all the necessary elements for effective work. The software has the ability to freely define the organizational structure of the company . This is done both by the user using administrative rights and by a previously prepared structure that can be implemented at the very beginning of using the CFM module.

Cloud operation

Both described modules of the Transmobil system operate in the cloud based on a web browser or a dedicated application supporting certain processes. Data security is very wide and already at the device or application level, it encrypts the data in order to send it to the TransMobil servers where they are presented to the end user only after logging in.