Management of trailers and containers

Control of trailers and containers

Our solution is based on two options used depending on the preferences of users and the type of services they provide.

If you have your own transport vehicles, we install RFID TAG readers with antennas and proximity sensors on the back of the trailer. When any container is loaded by the vehicle, the reader automatically reads the number from the TAG attached to the container and "attaches" it to the indicated vehicle in the system itself. When the container is returned to the selected location, the software informs where the container was left and assigns the location to a point on the map. Thanks to this solution, the user has information on an ongoing basis where all the containers are, and also has time to leave them at the customer. The use of TAGs alone makes it possible to reduce the costs of such a solution and get rid of the problem of charging batteries.

If the user for transporting containers uses an external fleet, it is possible to use portable GPS devices mounted on the very wall of any container. This eliminates the need to mount readers on normally rotating vehicles. Depending on the preferences, the device mounted on the wall of the container can inform about its position at various times, falling asleep at a time when there is no need to use additional information about the position.